I have another private blog to put more personal happenings of our family. But here is where I'll share with you some of my favorite photos.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

a little boy and his wagon

Nature vs Nurture?---I tend to lean more toward the nature side. It seems to me that boys will be boys.

Both of my children were playing with the same toy yesterday. The wagon. Munchkin wanted to sit in it and day dream! She would watch for birds or close her eyes and lay her head back. Little Buddy on the other hand, just wanted to check out the wagon. He checked the tires, the seats, the sturdiness, the handle, see what kind of sound it makes when you smack it, what it tastes like, etc, etc, etc. He explored it for about 45 min!!!

The photo challenge at in a yellow house is RED!!
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Ashley Sisk said...

This is soo cute.

Amy Henderson said...

Adorable! Gotta love those chubby legs! :)

Tricia said...

Oh those little legs... scrumptious.

Yellow House said...

I love the chubby legs!! Thanks for joining in the fun!

melissa rohr said...

what an awesome capture! i love the baby legs!

beingzaraandzidan said...

Oh! hehe! what a cute shot
I have joined in too
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