I have another private blog to put more personal happenings of our family. But here is where I'll share with you some of my favorite photos.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The headless polar bear!!

Weird is the name of the challenge, weird is exactly the word I thought of when I took this picture. I didn't edit this picture, it is just the way the water magnifies and distorts images to make the body look closer than the head. Pretty crazy!

Our zoo had a great polar bear exhibit. The two bears are always up by the glass showing off. Its is our favorite place to see at the zoo. The indoor viewing area with AC helps too! When you get those 100* days with 90-100% humidity a little AC goes a long way.

The theme is weird this week at:


The Mommy said...

Ha, how clever:)

melissa rohr said...

what's that? you've won again, with your awesome photo?!
lol, head on over and snag your button! and after one more week it'll be time for the grand prize picking!